Housekeeping Grap-Bag

Please feel free to ignore this post if you’d like – especially if you’re seeing it in more than place (it’s being x-posted).



A couple people I talk to online have asked me where they can find me at various online locations so I’ve created an online calling card over here which lists my locations – hope this helps.


My house has caught the photography bug of late and I’ve set up a new photoblog (mainly so I can keep them straight). Feel free to come visit if you’d like.


I have officially signed up for this year’s NANOWRIMO and it’s now too late to back out … at least that’s what I’m telling myself. I’m tracking my progress on my writing blog (yes, I’m a blog junkie). If anyone else is participating, I’d love to know so I can add you to my ‘writing buddies’.


Belle said...

Took a peak at your calling card - you are definitely a busy blogger! I'm doing NaNoWriMo too - it's going to be such fun. Now I'm off to check out your writing blog!

Carrie K. said...

I'm doing NaNoWriMo, too - my user name is booksandmoviescarriek.