Musing Mondays (Feb 22)

Musing Mondays2 Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about a keeping books.

Do you keep all the books you ever buy? Just the ones you love? Just collectibles? What do you do with the ones you don’t want to keep?

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Musing Mondays post, or share your opinion in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks.


In the past I have always kept all my books. In fact, you’d be hard pressed to get me to actually hand them over. I think that this is because growing up, while I never wanted for books, new books weren’t an every-day occurrence.

When I started working I’ll confess to having gone a little book-buying crazy (you mean I can buy a book whenever I want? Really??) which did result in my bookshelves exploding just a little. And let’s face it, ,most readers want a huge home library and are therefore a little loathe to give them away anyways.

However now that I’ve starting buying the bulk of my books through the library or second hand bookstores, I find I’m far more willing to pass them on. I like having a book that someone else has owned, and so like to pass it on so someone can have it for awhile.

If it’s a book I think someone in particular will like I will pass it one (which usually means either my cousin, or Wendy) but for the most part I usually save up a little stockpile and then drop them off at the Blue Dragon, the second hand bookstore/book exchange I like. This week I dropped of some books and ended up with a $25 credit… not that I ever leave the store with any credit left!


Kathy Martin said...

My thoughts are here. I have mixed feeling on the topic. I can't keep everything I buy but I don't know what to do with some of it.

gautami tripathy said...

I give away!

Here is my post!

Yvonne said...

Mine is here

Melody said...

Here's mine.

Happy Monday!

Dana said...

You can find my whole response here, at my blog Reading Amidst the Chaos.

In essence, I can't see myself ever NOT buying books. I like letting friends borrow them and I force myself to sell some back every few years, but it's not a perfect system. As I focus in more and more on the genres and authors that I love, it gets less and less likely that I'll want to scale back on the books I make permanently my own. I just don't want to turn into one of those hoarders that you see on TV!

Matt said...

Resale and donation. My musing is up. :)

crestina said...

here's mine...

Allie said...

Here is mine:

fredamans said...

Kim said...

Fun question! For me? A little keeping, a little giving away...


Veens said...

Guess I need to make giving away books easier for me :)
First time doing this meme!!

Thanks Rebecca for the post.
Here is mine

Mark A. Swallow said...

It's cool you give so many to the second-hand bookshop. I need to do more of that. For now, my private library keeps growing.

CMash said...

Here's mine

Kayleigh said...

Interesting musings! Mine is here. Enjoy!

vampireprincess said...

Kristin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nise' said...

My Musing.

Michelle said...

Here you go!

Kristin said...
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Kristin said...

Here's mine

MizB said...

I can't help but keep most of 'em!


Unknown said...

Mine is here.

Erin said...

I love having books around me, but sometimes you do have to winnow out the "non-readables", painful as that may be.

My full answer is here: Musing Mondays @ The Wobbly Bookstack

Brooke from The Bluestocking Guide said...

Here is mine

Lori said...

Here's Mine.

caite said...

I needed extra Musing time today, but, finally, HERE is mine.

Alison said...

I am a thoughtful keeper... I only have so much shelf space!

Anonymous said...

I keep what I will reread, otherwise the rest go to the thrift store or library :)


Sheery said...

GREAT question. Here is my response:

the little reader said...

interesting question.

my answer is HERE.

Carina said...

I'm definitely a keeper. More details here.

Helen said...

Great question this week! My musing is here.

Allison said...

Mine can be found here.

Jennifer Oberth said...

Love this question!

My answer is here:

Curling up by the Fire said...

What a fascinating question! I enjoyed writing this post and you can find my response at my blog here.

Heidi said...

It's my first time joining in, my musing is here:

A Blog In The Rough said...

Cool question, now I've got to go empty out my bulging shelves or go to Bookaholics Anonymous :)

DelGal Reviews said...

Woops excuse me, I should have been signed in As DelGal's Reviews on the last comment above (A Blog In The Rough) whew, the perils of having two blogs, lol :)

Carin Siegfried said...

Here's mine!

So late in the day I know but it was a very long day.

Jenn said...

Here's mine!

Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

I love this question!

Here is my answer

PS. I lvoe your blog, just became a follower

Tammy said...

I give most of mine to my local library that has a very small buying budget-especially in the young adult area. Or I pass them on to friends with the request that they pass them forward when they are done with them.