April Wrap Up

04 april

Thank you readathon for getting my reading back on track this month!

Montgomery - Anne of Green GablesMurray - Poems to Live By in Uncertain TimesMontgomery - Anne of AvonleaKeyes - Flowers for Algenon

Butcher - Welcome to the JungleWalker - The Colour Purple

Rowling - Harry PotterShakespeare - Much Ado About NothingMyron - DeweyBennett - Uncommon Reader

Salinger - The Catcher in the Rye


Total Books Read: 11
Total Pages Read: 2, 929 
2010 Books to Date: 31


Ladytink_534 said...

I love Anne! It's been awhile since I read any of those books but I think I read all of them in middle school. I know I read Flowers for Algernon then because it was a class thing. I remember really loving it! You had a fantastic month of great- and what I've heard are great- reads!

fredamans said...

Some great reading done, and quite a few classics there too! Well done!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on such a great reading month! It looks like your April was full of really good books :)

Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

What wonderful books! I will definitely try and take time to read your reviews.

Jenny Girl said...

Wow! Check you out girlie! Nice eclectic reading round up. Good for you. there are a few in there I have never read and you just reminded me to put them on my tbr. Thanks Rebecca :)