Friday Book Love

There are just too many pretty book pics out there not to share!


 Source: polkadotandplaid

Musing Mondays

Musing Mondays2

Dear Musing Monday-ers,

If you’re a regular here at JOMP I’m sure you’ve noticed that my posts have becoming fewer and fewer over the past few months. Since finishing up at uni, and now finding work (yay!) I’ve found that my reading time – not to mention my blogging time – has all but dried up.

I’ve tried to ignore it, thinking that it would magically return to be, but sadly I don’t think it’s going to. So it’s with great reluctance that I’m putting JOMP on indefinite hiatus. Not to worry though, because Musing Mondays is returning to it’s original home over at Should Be Reading – head on over there now as of this week.

I’ll still be around and blogging on my general/crafting journal here – I can’t help myself, I don’t want to leave the book blogger world entirely. I can also be contacted directly via twitter.

I’ve loved blogging with all of you and hope to continue chatting with you in one form or another.


Friday Book Love

There are just too many pretty book pics out there not to share!


 Source: ansy

Teaser Tuesday (May 18)

Teaser Tuesdays
Teaser Tuesday is  hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading.
  • Grab your current read.
  • Let the book fall open to a random page.
  • Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page.
  • You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve  given!


Riordan - lightning-thief

If you’re reading this because you think you might be [a half-blood], my advice is: close this book right now. Believe whatever lie your mum or dad told you about your birth, and try to lead a normal life.

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief – Rick Riordan (1)

Library Days

I’ve been most quiet on the blogging front of late, as I’ve found regular work at the local high school, but I thought I’d take the chance to tell you all what I’ve been up to. Why? Because this week I’ve been working in the library!

I’m teaching at my old high school, so though I’m English trained, and don’t actually start my library training until next month, they’re being very kind to me and letting me cover for the librarian when she’s away. I’m coming to teaching with mixed emotions (let’s just say my childhood ideals were quite neatly dashed), but my days in the library are … *sigh* wonderful.

The librarian is very enthusiastic in her duties and so the library is a lovely one to work in with quite a nice little community of readers among the students with whom I’m becoming acquainted.

I’m very much looking forward to tomorrow when the “Reading Cafe” meets tomorrow. This is like a reading club that the kids can apply to, and they meet of a recess and lunch and have a hot chocolate and a biscuit as they read. I’m playing host tomorrow and so am very excited (wish I had this at school!). Now, off to pick what book to take with me…

Philip D Armour Philip D Armour Elementary School
(how cute is this library?!)

Musing Mondays (May 17)

Musing Mondays2Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about movies based on books…

What happens when you see a movie based on a book/story, especially one you’ve not read? Do you feel the need to track it down and read it?

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Musing Mondays post, or share your opinion in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks.


If I know a booky-movie is coming up I try to make sure I read it before it comes out, but sometimes I just don’t have the time or it sneaks up on me.

Last night we went to see the new Robin Hood and, after being hit multiple times for my gleeful bouncing, I left that theatre in full RH mode. I wanted to read the stories, I wanted to do some research on the time period; I basically went into full book/movie mode.

I was just wondering if this was just me?

Friday Book Love

There are just too many pretty book pics out there not to share!


 Source: mechanics

Musing Mondays (May 10)

Musing Mondays2 Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about the war books

Do you have to carve out time in your day for reading (due to work and other obligations), or does your reading just happen naturally? (Question courtesy of MizB)

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Musing Mondays post, or share your opinion in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks.


Normally, I’d say no, I don’t have to set time aside for my reading. I was/am unemployed and act as a carer for my mother and so spend a fair amount of time in doctors waiting rooms etc. So my reading was done mostly in 10 minute increments, but I was usually guaranteed two or three of these sessions every day.

This past month I’ve managed to find some casual teaching work near to my home (man oh man I want to die – I feel like I haven’t slept!) and so POOF! there went my reading time! I think I’ve read maybe 20 pages in the past three weeks.

I’m sure it’s all a process, learning to find that balance, but who knows, I may have to set aside some time!

Friday Book Love

There are just too many pretty book pics out there not to share!


 Source: Maggie Fortson

Teaser Tuesday (May 4)

Teaser Tuesdays Teaser Tuesday is  hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading.
  • Grab your current read.
  • Let the book fall open to a random page.
  • Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page.
  • You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve  given!


Life at The Burrow was as different as possible from life in Privet Drive. The Dursley’s liked everything neat and ordered; the Weasleys’ house burst with the strange and unexpected. (37)

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets – J.K. Rowling

April Wrap Up

04 april

Thank you readathon for getting my reading back on track this month!

Montgomery - Anne of Green GablesMurray - Poems to Live By in Uncertain TimesMontgomery - Anne of AvonleaKeyes - Flowers for Algenon

Butcher - Welcome to the JungleWalker - The Colour Purple

Rowling - Harry PotterShakespeare - Much Ado About NothingMyron - DeweyBennett - Uncommon Reader

Salinger - The Catcher in the Rye


Total Books Read: 11
Total Pages Read: 2, 929 
2010 Books to Date: 31

Musing Mondays (May 3)

Musing Mondays2 Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about the war books

Do you frequent second hand book stores? Have you ever bought a book home only to find anything interesting within their pages?

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Musing Mondays post, or share your opinion in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks.


I’ll confess, I’m asking this question, purely so I can share this story. It made my week and I just wanted to tell you all.

About a year ago, a friend and I went into the city and did the Town Hall book shops – Kinokuniya, Galaxy Books, Kings Comics, and Elizabeth’s Bookshop. It was a great day and I was very happy to come home with my little pile of finds. Among them was a copy of Neil Gaiman’s Fragile Things which I’ve been reading on and off ever since (I like to make short stories last).

This week, I was flipping through it trying to find something for my brother when I found … this:

Left Behind

Absolutely the best second-hand book find ever! Especially since I only paid $10 for the book in the first place!

Mini-review Catchup #1

I’ve decided the best way to catch up would to just do some mini-reviews over the week or so.


Ariel – Sylvia Plath
81 pages; published 1965

This was my first exposure to Sylvia Plath, which I was rather surprised about – you’d think I would have come across her in one class or another. I absolutely LOVED Plath; I adored the beautiful melancholy of all her poems. Favourites from this collection include: The Applicant, Lady Lazarus, Tulips, A Birthday Present, and Years. 4/5


Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood – Rebecca Wells
356 pages; published 1996

Wells - Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya SisterhoodFrom the first time I saw this movie I was a huge fan – and when I learned it was based on a series of books, I very quickly tracked down the first one Little Alters Everywhere. This is the second in the series, and the one the movie was based on – though if you’re a fan of either the book or the movie I’d highly recommend reading the rest. Told through a series of interconnected stories, Divine Secrets throws you into the deep end of a family and leaves you to move with the eddies that constantly churn between them. 5/5