New ABC series…

ABC is teaming with "Friends" creator Marta Kauffman and Warner Bros. Television to adapt "The Time Traveler's Wife" as a weekly series.

I just found out about this tonight and I have to say… I’m not feeling all too positively about it. I’ve talked about this in the past, it being a recent MM question, but I don’t always react well to my favourite books being made into movies.

When I found out they were making The Time Traveler’s Wife (being one of my two favourite books) into a movie, I wasn’t entirely convinced that it could be pulled off. I have yet, however, to actually see the film, so I’m holding off final judgements until I do.

But really? A series? I can come to terms with a movie. I could, maybe, even come around to a short mini-series. But a weekly television series? Part of, if not the central beauty of the novel is it’s structure. The way it’s story is both inherently reaching and yet self-contained due to the nature of Henry’s condition. It has to end, and it has to have that end anticipated, to reach it’s full impact. I can’t help but thing that drawing out the novel in weekly instalments will only take away from the story.

But that’s just my thoughts. What do you think?




Jenny said...

I totally agree with you but maybe they'll make it more about a random couple where the guy disappears and time travels back and forth rather than being specifically about the actual book? If that makes sense? I generally don't like when they make books into movies either. But I always see the movies. =)

Dawn said...

Well, this takes the whole "novel into a movie" thing to a whole new level. A TV series? That's interesting...and it probably would create a lot of extra things are aren't in the book. Sadly--and I know this is a terrible comparison--I started watching "Gossip Girl" when it first came out. However, it didn't coincide with any of the I stopped.

La Coccinelle said...

I don't know if that's going to work, especially if you've already seen the movie (or read the book). It's a pretty self-contained story. The only parts that were kind of glossed over were the later bits (the time spent with his daughter, for example). I'm not sure how much else they could put into a series that wouldn't just seem like padding.

La Coccinelle said...

You know, I just remembered something. There was a show on ABC a couple of years ago called "Journeyman". It was a very similar premise, about a guy who had some sort of condition that made him travel through time (usually into the past). His wife had to just wait for him to come back. It was really intriguing, and was just starting to get interesting... when it was cancelled.

If that show didn't make it, is there hope for this series?

Marg said...

I really am not sure on this one either. It seems to me that there would have to be a lot of padding to make it into a series, especially if they use the movie as a jumping off point.

Allison said...

That's interesting. I just finished the book the other day, haven't seen the movie yet, but I'm curious as to how this would work as a series?

Anonymous said...

what a hideous thing to do to that book